Monday, March 25, 2013

Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month at Pacific, Week 2

Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month continues this week at Pacific.  There are four events planned for a busy Thursday and Pilipino Cultural Night is on Saturday!

On Thursday, March 28, there will be a Bone Marrow / Stem Cell Registration Drive from 11 AM - 2 PM in front of the DUC.

At 6 PM, VN Cares will be talking about The Cancer of Asian Heritage in DUC 211.

Also at 6 PM, at the Vereschagin Alumni House, there will be a screening of Building Bridges, Pacific student Halima Lucas's documentary about the generational and cultural gap in Cambodian American families.  A discussion panel will follow the screening.  Refreshments will be provided.  This event is free and open to the public.

Finally on Thursday at 8 PM at Janet Leigh Theatre, there will be a screening of the film My Name is Khan.

This Saturday, March 30, at the DUC Ballroom, Kilusan Pilipino will be hosting Mga Alamat: Pilipino Cultural Night from 2 PM - 6 PM.  Pick up presale tickets from members of Kilusan for 5$ for students and 7$ public.  At the door, it will be 7$ for students and 10$ public.
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus.

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