Monday, February 25, 2013

Welcome to the new MC blog! An Introduction to Multicultural Affairs

Hi all, welcome to the brand spanking new Pacific Multicultural Center (MC) blog!  This will replace the MC weekly but will also be an expansion of the MC's online presence.  On this blog, you will be able to find information about upcoming social justice and cultural diversity events and programs being held at the MC, Pacific, and in Stockton.  I will also be showcasing various MC affiliated student organizations and the three centers which make up the MC as a whole.

For this first post, I will introduce Multicultural Affairs.  The Department of Multicultural Affairs was established in 1995 and is dedicated to the creation and sustainability of a culturally inclusive community across and within the boundaries of culture, sexuality, gender, and other social identities.  Multicultural Affairs offers programs, services, and sponsorships such as cultural heritage month observances, diversity leadership retreats, and intercultural trainings throughout the academic year.  Multicultural Affairs oversees the MC and also advises the United Cultural Council (UCC) student organizations.

The office for Multicultural Affairs is located in McCaffrey Center right around the corner from the MC and across from the Grove and the Center for Student Success.  If you pass by the glass door you will usually see the amazing Marylou Bagus working hard (pictured above).  Also located in this space is the office of this man.

This is Serjio Acevedo, the Director of Multicultural Affairs, Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) qualified administrator, VISIONS Inc. training facilitator, UCC advisor, social justice advocate, and general all around good human being.

The office of Multicultural Affairs oversees the day to day operation of the MC, and is an integral part of keeping the Pacific community diverse and empowered.  If you have any questions about Multicultural Affairs, feel free to stop by MC front desk or the MA office and ask, call the MC at 209 946 7707, or email Serjio at
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus.

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