Monday, February 25, 2013

MC Affiliate Program and Roundtables

The MC Affiliate Program was started in 2011 in order to connect student organizations to the resources and mission of the MC.  By becoming affiliated, student organizations have access to all three centers for meeting and event space, including weekends; they have access to equipment such as a speaker and microphone, various cooking appliances, and student leadership DVDs; they have access to advertising space both in the physical space of the MC and also on the MC Facebook page and this blog; and they are able to apply for minigrant funding of up to 100$ for events that are held at the MC and in line with the MC's mission.  To become an affiliated organization, please contact Jun Sato, the MC Affiliate Liaison, at or 209 423 5738 and schedule a time to meet at the MC, go over the program more in depth, and submit a registration form.

Representatives from affiliated organizations are invited to meet other affiliates, share their input on the affiliate program so far, and give suggestions for changes to the affiliate program for next year at affiliate roundtables to be held this week with free Chipotle burritos!

The roundtables will be on
Tuesday, Feb. 26th at 5 PM  and
Wednesday, Feb. 27th at 5 PM
 at the Women's Resource Center located behind the glass doors in the MC.

Hope to see new and familiar faces there!
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus.

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