Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The end of Black History Month: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Nathaniel Mackey

This week marks the end of February and with it the last two events of Black History Month.  Of course, even after the calendar turns to March, we cannot forget or ignore the contributions and accomplishments of black people in history and in today's society.

With that being said, the last two speakers coming to Pacific for Black History Month are both extremely amazing individuals.  First, the NBA's all time leading scorer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar will be giving a talk about the lessons he learned from being a professional athlete, the things that he has done since he retired from the NBA, and his love of history which inspired his latest book, "What Color is My World? The Lost History of African-American inventors.  Mr. Abdul-Jabbar will be talking at Faye Spanos Concert Hall TONIGHT at 7 PM.  Tickets can be picked up for free at the Box Office near Long Theater until 4 PM.  There will also be tickets available for free at the door, first come first serve, but we expect these to go quickly.

Finally, the poet Nathaniel Mackey will be doing a poetry reading and talking about his work at WPC 140 on Thursday, Feb. 28th at 7 PM.  Mr. Mackey is a professor of English at Duke University and a chancellor at The Academy of American Poets.  He won the National Book Award for Poetry in 2006.  His poetry is inspired by jazz, blues, and the black experience in America.  He is a brilliant poet and writer and his talk will be engaging, educational, and mind blowing.  There will be a reception before the talk at 6:30 PM.
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus.

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