Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Work at the MC next year!

Do you want to work at the University of the Pacific Multicultural Center for the 2013-14 academic year?  Come sign up at the front desk or email to receive more information, including the dates of the work info sessions that will be held after spring break.

 This could be you!

I can personally attest that working at the MC has been a rewarding and enriching experience.  Though I have taken a lot more responsibility, that has forced me to grow as a student and a person.  The MC is also a very relaxed atmosphere to work in compared to many other on-campus jobs.  If you have any passion at all for social justice, cultural diversity, and the empowerment of marginalized communities on Pacific's campus and in Stockton, then this is the job for you.  Becoming involved on campus so late is one of my biggest regrets about my time at Pacific, and I hope you don't make the same mistake.

Though Federal Work-Study is preferred, it is not a requirement.  For example, I don't have Work-Study.
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome to the Pride Resource Center!

The Pride Resource Center opened in 2003 to provide a safe space for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer/Questioning, Intersexed, and Ally (LGBTQIA) community members at Pacific.  The Pride Resource Center also has a lot of resources for the LGBTQIA community, and is home to the most comfortable couch on Pacific's campus, a state of the art computer with graphic design programs, and several identity flags to symbolize various LGBTQIA communities.

pictured above: said couch, computer, and identity flags
and the rad PRIDE Resource Center staff at their Center meeting

The Pride Resource Center is open from 12-10 PM Monday through Friday, but it remains locked when no one is using it.  To get into the Pride Resource Center, just sign the sign in sheet and ask the staff member at the MC front desk to let you in.  After spring break, the Center will be staffed full time from 12-10 PM by volunteers.  There are still several time slots left to be filled, so if you are interested in volunteering to staff the Pride Resource Center, please contact one of the Pride Resource Center staff:

Devon Guidoux, the Pride Resource Center Program Coordinator and Graduate Assistant at  Devon is also safe zone trained, and a safe zone trainer.  You can find Devon in the Pride Resource Center between 10 AM and 2 PM Monday through Thursday, or you can always schedule a meeting at some other time.  Devon is fond of talking with their hands and the word "rad".

Macey Harris, the Pride Resource Center Services Coordinator.  Macey is a graphic design major, and as you can see has super rad hair and super rad sunglasses.  You can contact Macey at

Eva Tamsky, the Pride Resource Center Outreach Coordinator.  She is a vocal performance major and just recently put on a program called Sexuality & Spirituality at the MC which discussed the intersection of those two seemingly incompatible concepts.  The program had great turnout.  You can contact Eva at

The Pride Resource Center has built a strong and vibrant community among the LGBTQIA community at Pacific.  The Center is also on Facebook.  Come hang out sometime and meet the staff and volunteers!
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus. 

Caribbean Roots

This Thursday, Feb. 28th at 5 PM at Bechtel International Center (near the quads), ALANA Center Community Inclusion Coordinator Antonio Calderon will be hosting Caribbean Roots, a celebration of Caribbean musical culture and history.  There will be music and dancing in the styles of salsa, reggae, reggaeton, bachata, and more.  There will also be free pizza and drinks. 

Though this event was not planned by the Black History Month committee, it is still a part of Black History Month.  The rich musical culture of the Caribbean has many influences from African culture, and the brutal history of the Middle Passage indelibly ties the Caribbean to Africa.

If you have any questions or need reasonable accommodations, please email Antonio at, or call the MC at 209 946 7707.
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus.

The end of Black History Month: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Nathaniel Mackey

This week marks the end of February and with it the last two events of Black History Month.  Of course, even after the calendar turns to March, we cannot forget or ignore the contributions and accomplishments of black people in history and in today's society.

With that being said, the last two speakers coming to Pacific for Black History Month are both extremely amazing individuals.  First, the NBA's all time leading scorer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar will be giving a talk about the lessons he learned from being a professional athlete, the things that he has done since he retired from the NBA, and his love of history which inspired his latest book, "What Color is My World? The Lost History of African-American inventors.  Mr. Abdul-Jabbar will be talking at Faye Spanos Concert Hall TONIGHT at 7 PM.  Tickets can be picked up for free at the Box Office near Long Theater until 4 PM.  There will also be tickets available for free at the door, first come first serve, but we expect these to go quickly.

Finally, the poet Nathaniel Mackey will be doing a poetry reading and talking about his work at WPC 140 on Thursday, Feb. 28th at 7 PM.  Mr. Mackey is a professor of English at Duke University and a chancellor at The Academy of American Poets.  He won the National Book Award for Poetry in 2006.  His poetry is inspired by jazz, blues, and the black experience in America.  He is a brilliant poet and writer and his talk will be engaging, educational, and mind blowing.  There will be a reception before the talk at 6:30 PM.
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus.

Monday, February 25, 2013

MC Affiliate Program and Roundtables

The MC Affiliate Program was started in 2011 in order to connect student organizations to the resources and mission of the MC.  By becoming affiliated, student organizations have access to all three centers for meeting and event space, including weekends; they have access to equipment such as a speaker and microphone, various cooking appliances, and student leadership DVDs; they have access to advertising space both in the physical space of the MC and also on the MC Facebook page and this blog; and they are able to apply for minigrant funding of up to 100$ for events that are held at the MC and in line with the MC's mission.  To become an affiliated organization, please contact Jun Sato, the MC Affiliate Liaison, at or 209 423 5738 and schedule a time to meet at the MC, go over the program more in depth, and submit a registration form.

Representatives from affiliated organizations are invited to meet other affiliates, share their input on the affiliate program so far, and give suggestions for changes to the affiliate program for next year at affiliate roundtables to be held this week with free Chipotle burritos!

The roundtables will be on
Tuesday, Feb. 26th at 5 PM  and
Wednesday, Feb. 27th at 5 PM
 at the Women's Resource Center located behind the glass doors in the MC.

Hope to see new and familiar faces there!
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus.

Mandela and Rugby

Mandela and Rugby is an educational program about the relationship between apartheid-a system of racial segregation- and rugby- a sport- in the nation of South Africa.  Nelson Mandela is, of course, one of the national heroes of South Africa, a man who spent close to three decades in prison for his efforts to end apartheid, and was elected to be the nation's first black president in 1994 after longstanding international sanctions finally put an end to apartheid.  This program is being put on by the ALANA Center Outreach Coordinator, Octavio Rodriguez, and will be held in the ALANA Center tomorrow, Tuesday Feb. 26th, at 6:30 PM.

If you have any questions about this event or need accommodations, please email Octavio at or call the MC at 209 946 7707.
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus.

Welcome to the new MC blog! An Introduction to Multicultural Affairs

Hi all, welcome to the brand spanking new Pacific Multicultural Center (MC) blog!  This will replace the MC weekly but will also be an expansion of the MC's online presence.  On this blog, you will be able to find information about upcoming social justice and cultural diversity events and programs being held at the MC, Pacific, and in Stockton.  I will also be showcasing various MC affiliated student organizations and the three centers which make up the MC as a whole.

For this first post, I will introduce Multicultural Affairs.  The Department of Multicultural Affairs was established in 1995 and is dedicated to the creation and sustainability of a culturally inclusive community across and within the boundaries of culture, sexuality, gender, and other social identities.  Multicultural Affairs offers programs, services, and sponsorships such as cultural heritage month observances, diversity leadership retreats, and intercultural trainings throughout the academic year.  Multicultural Affairs oversees the MC and also advises the United Cultural Council (UCC) student organizations.

The office for Multicultural Affairs is located in McCaffrey Center right around the corner from the MC and across from the Grove and the Center for Student Success.  If you pass by the glass door you will usually see the amazing Marylou Bagus working hard (pictured above).  Also located in this space is the office of this man.

This is Serjio Acevedo, the Director of Multicultural Affairs, Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) qualified administrator, VISIONS Inc. training facilitator, UCC advisor, social justice advocate, and general all around good human being.

The office of Multicultural Affairs oversees the day to day operation of the MC, and is an integral part of keeping the Pacific community diverse and empowered.  If you have any questions about Multicultural Affairs, feel free to stop by MC front desk or the MA office and ask, call the MC at 209 946 7707, or email Serjio at
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus.