Monday, April 1, 2013

Welcome to the ALANA Center!

The ALANA Center (ALANA stands for African, Latin@, Asian Pacific Islander, and Native American) was established in 2004 to fulfill the purpose of uniting communities of color, developing cultural awareness, and celebrating all cultures, both on Pacific's campus and in the community at large.  One point that has come up multiple times is that the center name has no space for those who identify as white; however, white students, faculty, staff, and community members are more than welcome to come hang out in the center.  ALANA is not about putting down white people, but rather elevating those people of color who have been systematically marginalized in American society.

The ALANA Center is the largest physical space within the MC and houses most of the things that people think of when they think of the MC: the ping pong, fooseball, and pool tables, the video game cabinet, and the red couches.  It is open every weekday from 12-10 PM

ALANA is staffed by a group of laid back brown dudes- our supervisor, the lovely Administrative Assistant Marylou Bagus, might even say too laid back.

The ALANA Services Coordinator, Trust Hilton, is ALANA's longest tenured staff member.  He is a junior Psychology and Religious Studies double major.  He is very active on campus as a member and leader in many student organizations, and you can often see him longboarding on campus in a hurry to get to his next meeting.  You can contact Trust at

ALANA Center Community Inclusion Coordinator Antonio Calderon is a freshman Engineering Physics major from Stockton.  He has worked closely with Bechtel International Center on his programs to reach out to the international student community.  In his spare time he plays the saxophone.  You can contact him at

ALANA Center Outreach Coordinator Octavio Rodriguez is a senior English and Spanish double major.  He was also a key player on the Tiger Rugby Team.  You can contact him at

And this is yours truly, the MC Affiliate Liaison Jun Sato.  I am a senior English major.  You can contact me at

The ALANA Center staff welcomes you!
You can find the Pacific Multicultural Center on Facebook, Twitter, or at the McCaffrey Center located centrally on Pacific's campus. 

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